fdata = FILTER_LINE(r,filt,fsamp) filtering via different filter options ARGUMENTS r ... Column vector data (n x 1) filt ... Filter options (struct). filt can contain the following fields: filt.type = 'butterworth','chebychev I/II','eliptic','bessel' filt.cutoff = integer cutoff frequency. filt.order = interger filter order filt.pass = 'lowpass','highpass' filt.srip = stopband ripple (see 'cheby1,cheby2,ellip) filt.prip = peak-to-peak ripple (see 'ellip') fsamp ... Sampling rate of signal RETURNS r ... Filtered column vector data See also bmech_filt, filter_data, filtfilt, butter, cheby1, cheby2, ellip,besself